first day back

Jun 01, 2020 23:45

Today was my first day back to the library since March 13. I was so anxious in the morning, I had to make myself eat breakfast because I didn't feel hungry at all. I think it is the most nervous I have been in a long time.

But it all went well. We were all so happy to be around other people. My voice is hoarse from talking all day. Wearing a mask got annoying by the end, but honestly wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

We got most of the things set up for curbside service next week and my crack scheduling team planned out how we would cover all the services with the limited staff we have.

So I left feeling a lot less nervous about things. Obviously when we do open to the public, that will change things, but I am really hoping that gets put off until July. There's just a lot to figure out and many of the supplies we ordered to help create social distancing and make safe spaces have not arrived yet.

But, yeah, I'm feeling ok about going back tomorrow.

And I've already decided on Wednesday we are taking an extended lunch and all going to the ice cream shop down the road because I am the manager and I can do that. We all need a treat this week. was also kind of good to be away from the news for the day, even though seeing everything right now as I get ready for bed is not helpful for sleep but being caught up in getting the library up and running was a welcome distraction.

Poor America. I'm not sure what will come of any of this point, I've seen too many mass shootings with protests and police brutality with protests where nothing is hard to believe things will change, especially with this asshat sitting in the white house.

Going to sleep now. Stay safe. This entry was originally posted at Please comment there using OpenID.

library, work_stuff, real_world

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