Books read in April 2020

Apr 30, 2020 23:54

Most of one of these books was actually read in March...I'm not really going to bed on time and my whole reading routine is non-existent. Or, at least, it was until I started 'Layoverland' and then lucked out with the book I'm reading now 'Recursion'. Both books are really hard to put down and I find myself wanting to go to bed so I can read them.

But, yeah, just two books. I think I'm going to have to scale back the goal of 100 books for 2020...

The Assassination of Brangwain Spurge by M.T. Anderson

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book had been on my TBR list since I saw it on the shelf. Just flipping through it, you quickly see that this is something different. Eugene Yelchin's artwork is so unique and strange, very Brian Froud-esque, I knew this would appeal to my Dark Crystal/Labyrinth fangirl heart.

The story is quirky and weird, but at its heart, it is about prejudice and biases and how we see "others" when we don't really know them. It is far smarter than it might look at first glance, especially when Spurge has to sneak into the Goblin undercity by crawling down a toilet. But don't be fooled, there are layers here.

Layoverland by Gabby Noone

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I was struggling to read anything during this time in quarantine but I found myself actually going to bed on time so I could read 'Layoverland' so how's that for a big thumbs up?

This book was far better than it had any right to be - full of humor and heart. That same humor about death and the afterlife of shows like 'Dead Like Me' and 'The Good Place' but with a young adult twist that I think works better since being 18 and being self-centered and a little awful is par for the course?

Really quick read, lots of heart, moments that made me giggle and others that got me choked up, definitely a book I will be recommending for awhile!

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