this actually happened

Mar 17, 2020 12:01

Me, making tea in the kitchen after dinner.

Me: "Alexa, set a timer for 5 minutes."

Tim comes upstairs with his dinner plate after reading on his phone.

Alexa: "Five minutes, starting now"

Tim: "I was just reading an article saying it was unethical to have sex right now with the coronavirus"

Me: "Is it okay to masturbate?"

Alexa: "Hm, I don't know that one."

Me: *dies laughing*

For clarity, I did turn on the "follow up" mode for Alexa where she listens for a few more seconds after talking in case you had additional things to say. So she wasn't eavesdropping so much as just doing her job.

Still, I cried real tears of laughter.

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alexa, lols, real_world

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