(no subject)

Jan 16, 2020 21:18

The good news - Tim's teeth extractions went really well. 3 outta 4 just came right out. The 4th tooth, on his lower right side, didn't cooperate and broke so a little extra had to be done to retrieve it but we're finishing up day 2 and he says the pain has been minimal. Didn't even take any medicine for it.

And, in true Tim fashion, he asked to keep his teeth so we now have a shot glass with 4 teeth sitting in it on the kitchen counter. Let me tell you, though - seeing those cavities in REAL teeth is way more disturbing than any plastic model or textbook photo I ever saw. They are SCARY! (If you want to see a pic, let me know and I'll ask Tim if I can share).

It was really weird taking him home, totally drugged up. He says he has no memory of leaving waking up and leaving the dentist. But he was talking and seemed semi-coherent so you can see how people get themselves in trouble. I will say he was very polite to the nurse and doctor as we were leaving so it's nice to know that those behaviors are ingrained in him. I picked a good one. :)

The bad news is I was feeling weird on Tuesday night, sinus pressure and general exhaustion and I woke up Wednesday groggy and stuffed up. Since I spent most of the morning taking care of Tim, I powered through it, but by the evening it was clear I had some kind of head cold or sinus issue. So I stayed home today feeling blah.

Hoping that this day was the worst of it and I can go back to work tomorrow. I'm going to try in the morning, at least to get timecards done. I feel like I can make it a few hours before I just want to put my head down. Will probably take some drugs before going in, just to be safe.

And I think I will turn in early tonight as well. I went to bed around 10 last night - unheard of for me! - but I slept! Probably will end up falling asleep a similar time tonight, those this heating pad I've been putting in the microwave is magical so I might sit with it for a bit and let it melt my face before I really go to sleep.

Oh well, better I get a little cold now then right before we leave for our trip! Just another week!

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family, real_world

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