Dec 2 LEGO Star Wars Advent Calendar

Dec 02, 2019 23:34

Rose minifig and Kylo Ren's ship!

You know, I will never argue that 'Last Jedi' was a perfect movie - it was not. It was far too long, needed a lot of tightening up in some of the plot lines. BUT I never had a problem with Rose and I really liked what they were doing with her and Finn up to a point (because omg that whole plot line got out of hand, where was the editor? And was the editor related to Benicio and just didn't want to take him out of the movie? Because he was unnecessary on so many levels).

Anyway, I was happy to see this minifig! Yay Rose!

And Kylo's ship is cool too. I always had a soft spot for it because the design was clearly inspired by the Imperial shuttle from RotJ. Something about those big, ridiculous wings raising and lowering. Again, there is a reason Star Wars is considered fantasy and not sci-fi - pretty sure this ship makes no sense.

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holidays, happy holidays, countdown, star wars, legos

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