Happy Thanksgiving!

Nov 28, 2019 23:16

Hope everyone that celebrates had a lovely Thanksgiving. This year I discovered the joy of making pretty much all the side dishes the night before and only having the turkey and rolls to cook the day of. IT WAS GLORIOUS! But it felt so wrong to not be a total mess when everyone arrived LOL.

My favorite YouTubers from OutsideXbox, OutsideXtra, and Dicebreaker did a song and music video to raise money for MIND, a charity that helps people with mental illnesses. If you like the tune, you can buy it on iTunes and Amazon for less than $2 and the money all goes the the charity. Or you can just straight up donate via the link in the YouTube video.

It's an ode to their DM and all the work he does so if you play D&D, you will probably enjoy this even more. :)

image Click to view

Now off to bed! Working tomorrow...it will probably be a VERY quiet day because very few people think "Library" on Black Friday.

This entry was originally posted at https://orangerful.dreamwidth.org/1344211.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

holidays, music video

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