oh what would you mother say if she could hear what we talk about?

Sep 22, 2019 22:35

I stayed up until 3am yesterday. Didn't get home from D.C. until close to 2 and them I was just so full of adrenaline, I kept puttering around the house. Probably didn't help that Tim was up playing an online game with his friends so it wasn't like I needed to turn off the lights. I went through the photos I had taken during the concert to see if any actually turned out and then I spent way too much time making that gif of Dan jumping lol.

And here it is, 10:40pm and I am ready for bed. I have all these idea of things to type posts about but then I run out of time in the day LOL.

So, instead of a Bastille post, I am just going to show you my Spielberg movie shelf that I had to re-arrange yet again to make space for the JAWS Shark Funko Pop.

Lots of fun questions coming in for the October AMA! I'd love to have more! Deep thoughts or silly things, I want a mix of both!

Anyway, I can barely keep my eyes open.

This entry was originally posted at https://orangerful.dreamwidth.org/1336807.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

random, toys, collecting, photos

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