book meme - responses part 2

Sep 07, 2019 22:12

So, IT Chapter Two...I have thoughts. But I'm going to sleep. So how about more meme answers?

7. What is a book that you feel glad for not reading? requested by rogueslayer452
This is an odd question. I guess 'Fifty Shades of Gray'? Everyone was talking about it and I resisted the urge. Or the Twilight series beyond book 1. Oh wait, same thing LOL!

8. What is a book that you feel guilty for not not reading? requested by
I guess some of the classics? If only because people seem to have expected me to read them. Like Jane Austen, I know lots of people who loves those books. But I'm not just into those kinds of stories. I don't really have any guilt.

12. What book do you passionately hate? requested by @graveexcitement
I think when Twilight was at the top of its game, I was pretty upset about it, mostly because people kept comparing it to Harry Potter and Buffy and no. Just no. Twilight was a teen romance first, a vampire story second. At the time, I was more upset about wasting time reading it (I think I got about halfway through before I realized it was not the kind of book I wanted it to be) and so I was bitter. Now I just kind of shrug and say "not my thing."

13. What is the biggest book series you have read? How many books are in it? requested by ragnarok_08
Hm, I think Harry Potter wins with 7 books, unless we count graphic novel series trades.

14. What book gives you happy memories? requested by qwentoozla and teragramm
The Neverending Story. I have a very vivid memory of my Mom reading this to me at bedtime. It was the hardcover edition from the library and I was fascinated by the fact that the text was in different colors. Atreyu's story was in green and Bastian's story was in red. I had never seen anything like that before in a "real book" (i.e. not a picture book) and it blew my mind.

And since two of you asked, I'll share a second memory - my Mom reading 'Miss Nelson is Missing' to me out loud. She had a very ridiculous voice for Mr. Blandsworth, the dufus principal. I think she gave him an over-the-top lisp since his illustration was a guy with buck teeth. I sometimes forget that this is not how all people will hear Mr. Blandsworth when reading this story.

17. What is your favourite book that contains an LGBTQ+ character? requested by rogueslayer452
Simon vs the Homosapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli, What If Its Us by Becky Albertalli and Adam Silvera, The Rest of Us Just Live Here by Patrick Ness, Ask the Passengers by A.S. King (that's two rom-coms and two heavies, if you're making a to-read list)

20. Have you ever been glad to not finish a series? Which? requested by @author_by_night
This is an oddly worded question so I guess they mean what series did I just give up on? I tend to have small debates with patrons about how many Harry Potter books there are in the series. While I wasn't a big fan of 7, I end it at 7. But so many people asked for 'Cursed Child' as book 8 and I go off on a mini-rant about how that isn't actually a book, it's a play etc. and after reading everyone's comments on here about the book, I'm like DON'T READ IT. LOL. I'm happy to never read it.

And now that rum I had around 10pm is catching up with me and I am sleepy. I have literally 3 books on my night stand right now with bookmarks in them. And after seeing "IT" last night, I want to read that again and compare the movie and the book. HOW MANY BOOKS CAN I READ AT ONE TIME? At least 3, apparently (I have one at work, one in the car, and whichever one I commit to tonight).

Toodle pip!

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reading, books, meme

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