Fandoms as relationships meme

Aug 24, 2019 12:03

thenewbuzzwuzz posted this meme and I had to play too, mostly because I already talk about X-Files and Buffy this way.

The one who seduced you, screwed you over, broke your heart in a million pieces, and laughed about it:
The X-Files, for sure. I devoted so much to that show in the early years. So many Friday nights at home in high school because I couldn't miss an episode. Wrote my first fan-fic, got into the fandom community. But the mythology was a mess and promises were broken over and over. And I may still be bitter.

Honorable mention goes to Game of Thrones. And everyone knows why.

The old flame you don't see very often any more but whom you still really enjoy getting together with for a few drinks and maybe a pleasant nostalgic romp:
Whedonverse, but specifically Buffy. When I broke up with X-Files, Buffy was there to show me what a series where the writers actually tracked the mythology and stories looked like. I see them every day, in the sense that I have all the DVDs, figures, and books on display but I watched it SO MUCH at the start that I don't even need to rewatch them anymore, I can just close my eyes and see the scenes LOL. But every now and then, I need to watch Buffy, Angel, or Firefly and remember when these were shows on regular TV.

The mysterious dark one whom you used to sit up with talking until 3 AM at weird coffee houses and with whom you were quite smitten until you realized they really were fucking creepy:
Riverdale. That first season was so much fun. It was self-aware and turned the squeaky clean comic world of Archie upside down. The mystery was twisty enough to keep me guessing. And the characters were just quirky enough to pull me in. But the second and third season got into a zone of ridiculous I could no longer take. It was never realistic, but you can only push it so far before it becomes unwatchable for me.

The one you spent a whole weekend in bed with and who drank up all your liquor and whom you'd still really like to get with again, although you're relieved they don't actually live in town:
"Dark", the German Netflix sci-fi show. I binged that second season hard and I want to know what happens next but I'm okay waiting because it has time travel and I'm so confused about who was where when what how now?

The steady:
I debated between my two big fandoms here, but in the end, it's gotta be Star Wars. I've been a fan since birth and it is the happy place I go back to when I need to escape all reality.

The alluring stranger whom you've flirted with at parties but have never gotten really serious with:
American Gods. We've watched the show but I'm not compelled to go beyond it in any way.

The one you hang out with and have vague fantasies about maybe having a thing with, but ultimately you're just good buddies:
Attack on Titan. I watch the show but I'm not hardcore enough to read the manga. But when it is on, I'm ready to talk about it and rewatch the whole series, until we are caught up and another show takes its place.

The one your friends keep introducing you to and who seems like a hell of a cool person except it's never really gone anywhere:
Star Trek Discovery. I keep meaning to watch it, I see little conversations about it all over the place on blogs but I've never made the time for it, mostly because the only way for me to watch is DVD from the library. CBS All Access is a stupid business model.

The one who's slept with all your friends, and you keep looking at them and thinking, "How the hell did they land all these cool people?"
Marvel stuff. I mean, I get it, I was there at the start and saw the movies but at this point, I'm amazed how many people are still there for it all.

thenewbuzzwuzz mentioned Supernatural in hers and I agree with that too.

The one who gave you the best damned summer of your life and against whom you measure all other potential partners:
Hannibal. I can't even remember how I ended up watching this show, a series that should not have appealed to me - its crime, its gore. But it was also REALLY clever and smart and kept me guessing. I hadn't been so enraptured with a show in such a long time when I stumbled into this one.

The one you recently met at a party and would like to get to know better:
Mindhunter. I watched the first season when it came out and loved it, just finished the second and LOVED IT. But they were both binges and I need to go back and really give each episode the attention it deserves.

The old flame that you wouldn't totally object to hooking up with again for a one night romp if only they'd clean up a bit:
If it hadn't been for the lousy 4th season, I would say Veronica Mars.

Maybe I will say Stranger Things here. I didn't hate the latest season, I was just unimpressed with most of it. I'd be there for another season IF things get tightened up a bit and the characters are less obnoxious.

Your hot new flame:
The EXPANSE!!!!!!!! Three seasons and I still feel like we're in the honeymoon phase.

and Schitt's Creek, which I also randomly show up and tell people to watch without them asking. Right now that show is perfect to me.

The one who stole your significant other:
Tim really isn't in to TV shows, but I know when he likes one because he will ask for it after it airs. Right now, it is 'Killjoys'. But beyond tv and movies, he's hardcore into Star Citizen, a game that is still in testing. Pretty sure he was up until 2am flying his ship around last night.

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tv_shows, movies, fandom, random_fandom, meme

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