That time of year

Aug 07, 2019 23:27

We are heading out to Wisconsin for the annual summer trip to visit Tim's family.

For those of you that have been friends with me awhile, you know what that means.

For those of you that are new, just a heads up that Tim's parents are very much anti-everything I am, politically. I will be hiding on here, possibly venting, to avoid exploding around them.

At least it is summer time and the weather should be nice so I can just go walkabout if I need to escape. Last time we went and it was "spring" so going outside would have made me look like a crazy person.

Anyhoo, I probably won't be commenting as much because typing on my iPhone and iPad isn't as easy as a keyboard. But I will be lurking when I need to escape.

Side note: I am trying to find a laptop though I keep missing all the deals! I want one that is not too expensive but just powerful enough to play some simple games, like Stardew Valley and what not. Mostly for work but I want it for fun things too, like trips like this, so I can get online and blog.

Wish me luck! Feel free to follow me on Twitter or Insta (same name).

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real_world, vacation, roadtrip

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