So, it is a little scary how BAD I am at management sims now that I have been promoted to the position of manager IRL. I mean, take a look at
krissasaur AMAZING Stardew Valley farm and them look at mine:
I mean, what the hell am I doing?
Yes, it looks extra sad because it is the dead of winter, but still. It's a mess.
This is probably because the farming sim part of the game is secondary to me and I'm more focused on the story? I didn't have any clue what I was doing when I set up the flow of the thing. Right now, my farm girl has enough money to live comfortably so she hasn't been trying to create the most profitable farm, just one that pays the bills.
And now I'm told there are DINOSAUR EGGS?!? Yeah, I know what my mission will be this week, FIND AN EGG!
Sidenote: It turns out getting a promotion and changing jobs after 9 1/2 years in the same place causes quite an upheaval in your life so I'm going to bump the July AMA posts to August. I just need to find my groove right now and be chill. I will get to them though! We have our annual trip to Wisconsin in August so I will need things to distract me from any political conversations that come up that make my head want to explode.
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