friday five (not sure if this is early or late?)

Jun 30, 2019 21:45

1. What is one of your favorite things about your country?
I think the best/worst thing is our freedoms. Not that freedom is bad but because we have so much of it, sometimes we take a lot of it for granted. But it is amazing how many freedoms we get to take for granted.

2. What is your favorite thing to do on your country's national holiday?
Not work LOL. I don't really have any 4th of July traditions.

3. What do you usually do for your country's national holiday?
Depends on where I am. If we are with relatives/family, then cooking out on the grill and maybe seeing fireworks or buying some little ones to play with in the backyard. I have a feeling this might be a low-key kind of year, just chilling at home though.

4. What is your favorite national/regional ethnic dish?
STEAK. Nothing more American than a delicious, medium rare steak with a bit of salt and pepper (though I usually dip my steak into the sour cream and butter on my baked potato too...)

5. Who is your favorite national hero and why?
I feel like I should have one but I don't?

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