selfie 21 and 22 and rambling

Jun 22, 2019 22:49


Want to know why? Because it was the LONGEST DAY EVER!

Tim's 2007 Honda Civic scared us into thinking it was going to die the day before but turned out to just be an problem with the A/C so we woke up early on Friday to go get it from the mechanic.

THEN we went to the bank to get a check for a car loan we were already pre-approved for but for some reason we just sat in the waiting room for 45 minutes. (I did find out my credit score is at 850, so that felt good to see).

THEN we drove to the dealership Tim had been in contact with. The dealer was so proud because they had sold the model we wanted a couple days before but had managed to get a new one on the lot right after that so we could test drive it. Honda Insight, hybrid. Tim liked it but the color was wrong - WHITE! No, thank you. So we said we wanted "Cosmic Blue" and "Crimson Pearl" (red) and they had one in Baltimore. So then we sat around there doing paperwork, making awkward small talk while he waited for the other dealer to call back with the VIN etc. and it was like 3pm before he finally said "Okay, it will be another 2 hours, did you guys want to go and come back when the car is here?" (at that point, we had signed away our money so they felt safe to let us leave).

As luck would have it, my parents live right around the corner so we got Chick Fil A and went over to say hi to my now-retired Dad. He was having a rough time, got some gross rash that he let get out of hand because he didn't want to use leave right before he retired (*sigh*) so he was on lots of medication. But we chatted for a few hours. He is worried about my brother and it shows so there were a few awkward moments where he would flip from being in tears because of something nice my brother said to being in tears because he was worried about him. I think some of it was the medication.

ANYWAY they finally got the car and we finally got to go home with it!

We were out and about from 10am until 7:30pm. LONG DAY!

Anyway, I'm fudging the definition of "selfie" for today because if I did a real selfie you wouldn't be able to see the car!

And Sylvia will get to drive the 2007 Civic tomorrow back up to her Mom's so she will have her own car. (no photo because she vetoed the ones that we took LOL, I think she was facing right in the sun and was all squinty...not that she reads my blog and would ever know but still)

Here's a bonus picture of Tim because why not <3


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selfie, ranty mcranterson, family, real_world, car, photos

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