Friday Five actually on Friday!

May 31, 2019 21:39

1. Do you make any kind of art or craft? Please share.
Probably the closest thing I have would be making icons, which I was starting to do again a few months ago and lost my groove again! UGH! Even bought Photoshop Elements and everything! Mostly it is just poor time management on my part.

2. Would you rather make art (paint, sing, play an instrument) or observe someone else’s art? Why?
I loved playing Rock Band with my friends and singing on that, it was just really cool to rock out together. Not the same thing, I know, computer game, but I imagine that is what it must feel like to perform music with a group. When I was a kid, I was in band and there is a thrill to creating music with a whole team. I do miss it, but I really wasn't very dedicated to it after high school.

3. If you could be really good at any creative endeavor, which would you choose to be really good at?
I've always enjoyed doodling. Would be nice if I had a bit more training but I still like to draw every now and then for fun, mostly to amuse myself. It would be nice if the pictures in my head translated to paper a bit more LOL.

4. Do you prefer recorded performances or live performances? Why?
This is a tough one! I love the polished sound and complete package of recorded music. The artists putting it together exactly how they want it. But live performances have a whole different kind of energy and you get to be a part of the show, in a way, when the band has you clap or cheer. I think it depends on my mood. I love going to concerts but I also love cranking up the tunes in my car.

5. Did you get any kind of art education in school?
I started playing flute in 3rd grade, I think. Just part of my elementary school, an optional thing you could sign up. Got to skip class to go to the music lessons room. I also had in-school art classes up through middle school.

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fridayfive, about me

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