Your librarian, now with web-slinging action

May 20, 2019 22:20

This weekend was exhausting but so much fun - our 4th Library Comic Con!

We started the day off with a preschool storytime with HEROES! This was our first time doing this, trying to have something for the littles. I dressed up in the Princess Leia Torrid dress (which I meant to get accessories for but never found the time). We also had cosplayers as Spider-man and Wonder Woman. And we invited a real life hero from the base around the corner, a U.S. Sailor. They all helped us sing silly songs and dance around. I think it went well, considering we were mostly winging it! The kids were thrilled, I think we had about 50 younglings in there.

After that, I did a quick changes to jeans and a t-shirt because I was sweating through my dress (Torrid was smart and put layers so nothing peeked through the all white outfit BUT that made it really heavy). Then I helped with the costume contest entrants and then with the parade.

I WAS SO WIPED! By 5 I was ready to pass out and sleep forever.

Anyway, if you want to see my Spider-man friend goofing off in the library (we got permission from the branch manager for him to climb the furniture this time) and the adorable costume contest winners, you can see more photos here

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library, i_love_my_job, librarian, comic-con, photos

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