According to my inbox, I'm 72 entries behind on LJ/DW...oops.
While I LOVED the first season, I wasn't actually thrilled with the second and third season of Veronica Mars. The second season has too much "retconning" of what "really" happened in season 1 and Season 3 was better but just didn't have the same level of intrigue
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As a whole, I'm not going to be watching this new series. I'm just not interested anymore. There was something uniquely special about S1 that nothing else after that ever recaptured that magic, which is a shame.
I hate Logan/Veronica. I'll admit to liking the initial setup in S1 since it was more gradual, but after that it felt so shoehorned to appease the intense rapid shippers, who were equally as annoying with how they treated anyone who liked any other pairing, including the actors who had different opinions (those were dark days in the VM fandom, let me tell you, and it probably hasn't changed despite the fandom being marginally quiet over the years....)
But I love Kristen Bell too much and I want to see her face. I'll cringe through the LoVe stuff (GAG I HATE THAT SHORTENING) to see my girl. And Ryan Hansen.
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