one fandom to rule them all

Apr 25, 2019 23:55

I'm the only person in the world who is not interested in Avengers:Endgame, but I'm happy for all of you.

I just hope you're ready for all of my fangirling and squealing when December comes around and Rise of Skywalker comes out. I understand your feelings, MCU fans, and I will have similar feelings once RoS premieres.

I had 14 people come to my photo program! For an adult program on a gorgeous spring day, I'm counting that as a success!

I'm low-key freaking out right now because TWO branch managers (one of them being MY manager) have announced their retirements on June 30th. Which means there will be TWO openings I can apply for. I feel good about it, I just have to not flub the interview like I did last time (though I don't think that was meant to be, so maybe it was the universe holding me back). No idea when the interviews will be, kinda hoping they will happen sooner rather than later, mostly because I don't want my poor branch to be floating without a manager for the whole summer.

I'll be high-key freaking out once a date is announced. Good news is that my resume is pretty much ready to go! Just need to tweak the cover letter and then review my notes like crazy.

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library, work_stuff, random_fandom

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