books read in March

Apr 02, 2019 21:13

Not my strongest month. I read the second 'Murderbot' then found out there were only 4 total and I am having that last-cookie-in-the-cookie-jar moment of not wanting to read the others right now because I want them to be there for me and also wanting to read them both and find out what happens. So I pretty much just floundered around from book to book, not settling on one book the last half of the month. I started Haunting of Hill House but wasn't focused enough to keep going; gave Logan's Run a try but I'm worried having the age at 21 instead of 30 is going to make the whole thing hard to stomach with him ogling 16 year old girls; tried John Scalzi's short story collection Miniatures last night, we will see if it sticks.

ANYWAY - here are the books I actually finished in March:

Trees, Vol. 1: In Shadow by Warren Ellis

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

From the first few pages, you can tell this is going to be a different kind of science fiction story. Perhaps it will tread some familiar ground, but I knew Warren Ellis would not disappoint me. Need to read book two ASAP!

Narwhal's Otter Friend by Ben Clanton

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Another fun addition to this series. Great way to talk about how it feels when your best friend has a new friend.

It will also make you want waffles, but that is normal for this series.

Great early intro to chapter books for Elephant and Piggie fans ready to take the next step.

Because by Mo Willems

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Bonus star for mentioning the orchestra's librarian.

Gorgeous story about all the pieces that happen behind the scenes for beautiful music to happen now and in the future.

What Is Inside THIS Box? by Drew Daywalt

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

When I checked the New Books cart this afternoon, I was not expecting to find an easy reader book about a monkey explaining to a piece of cake that a cat may or may not be inside of a box.

Best introduction to the idea of Schrodenger's Cat for first graders.

City of Blades by Robert Jackson Bennett

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I think the 3 star rating is my fault, not the book's fault. I don't think I have the focus for fantasies with such elaborate worlds and characters and when it got to the reveal at the end, I didn't really understand what I felt was supposed to be a shocking revelation because I had forgotten all of the machinations of this imaginary realm. I suppose this is why I'm better with movies and tv shows when it comes to fantasy.

Artificial Condition by Martha Wells

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I <3 ART.

Great sequel, building on the world but still keeping things fun. I actually wanted to go back and write down some of Murderbot's quotes because it was cracking me up.

Tim and I have debated on what gender Murderbot looks like because I automatically referred to it as a "her" in the first book (because the author was a woman) but he said the audiobook was narrated by a dude, and yet in this book, it picks the name "Eden" to blend in...whatever, I'm picking Murderbot as Bobbie from 'The Expanse' because the armor on the cover reminds me of her power armor. Deal with it.

New Kid by Jerry Craft

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Really great story about a young African-American boy trying to fit in at his new private middle school. A fun read that tackles some heavy subjects and a great one for upper elementary and middle school kids to read and discuss.

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