Friday Five with a St. Patty's Day theme

Mar 17, 2019 12:49


1. Have you ever made corned beef and cabbage?
I usually skip the cabbage. I've never done it the traditional way, I tend to throw it in the slow cooker with some potatoes (this is happening right now actually). I LOVE corned beef, but I'm also a very "salty" person, where husband is on the "sweet" side of things so he is not as much into the cured meats. Probably best for my blood pressure to only eat it once a year.

2. Will you be tipping back a decent pint of Guinness this weekend?
No, thank you. I may have Irish roots but I'm not a Guinness fan. I always say I prefer beer I don't have to chew. But I've got plenty of other adult beverages in the fridge. I'd rather have an Irish Coffee to finish off my day.

3. Do you own an Irish wool sweater?
I do not...which kind of surprises me but I'm betting they are not machine washable and I don't buy anything that is not machine washable. Though if I DID go to Ireland, I'd probably be tempted to buy one just because I'd know it was authentic.

4. Have you ever ‘met’ the Tart with a cart (i.e. have you been to Dublin)?
NOT YET! It's on my list. I figure hopping over to Ireland would be one of the easier destination vacations since people speak English so it is high up on my to-go list.

5. Do you know what tractors, submarines and ejector seat all have in common?
I'm tempted to Google this, but I will be honest and just say NOPE!

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questionsforamonth, fridayfive

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