Got my early birthday present today and I now am the proud owner of an iPhone XR. I asked what colors they had (black, silver, blue, red) and Sylvia has the blue one so I got the red one. I didn't realize it was (RED) the fundraiser thing. I don't think it cost any extra though. Everything seemed to transfer over, except my photos, but I knew that wouldn't happen because I don't pay for iCloud storage. They are all on Flickr and Google though so they are not lost. But it was kind of weird to open up my photo app and see NOTHING.
BUT, my new #firstworldproblem - the company that made the case for my previous iPhones (
EYN) is no longer making the cases!! It was a wallet case but it had some heft to it so my phone always felt protected.
I've been browsing Amazon and Etsy all night trying to decide what case to get. Sylvia had a back-up case from Christmas (Tim had ordered her a case but it didn't arrive in time so he got her a cheap one to pass the time and keep the investment safe) so my phone isn't nekkid. It's actually a decent case, clear so you can see the red color. So now I'm thinking I want to be able to see that red so do I want another wallet case? It's hard to find *clear* wallet cases. I did find some things you can attach to the back of the iPhone case to hold cards.
Blah, I dunno, I just love having the case because if I don't need my purse for an outing, I can just put the phone in my pocket and know I have my ID and a credit card. This is especially helpful for conventions and also when I decide to take a walk and get lunch.
Deep thoughts, I know. Bear with my guys!
I should get to bed. :P Hope your Sunday was as exciting as mine!
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