#firstworldproblems replacing my iPhone

Feb 07, 2019 23:19

(Sidenote before I start but do any of you ever feel guilty complaining about something because the more you think about it the more you realize it is such a first world/middle class/privileged problem that you begin to feel bad for expressing your anxiety because it is kind of silly in the long run?)

My iPhone has been doing weird things for the past few months now - randomly turning off, telling me it has no battery life left and then after a reboot saying it is at 100% and then I sit and watch as it goes down a % every second. This morning I woke up and it had an alert saying a shutdown had occurred overnight and when I went to take a closer look the screen just went black. :|

My parents had already said that a new phone could be my birthday present but my birthday isn't until March. I emailed my Mom this morning and asked if I could perhaps get that gift a little early because this was stressing me out. I've had this iPhone 6 since 6s were new, so I used it a LONG TIME for a Smartphone. But in that time, it has become such an important part of my life. First, I don't have a landline and do pretty much all of my communication via text. Plus, now that I am kindof a assistant manager AND a step-mom, people need to reach me via text for emergencies. Like, last Friday my phone did this and Sylvia was texting to say school was closing early for snow and I missed it. So having an unreliable phone, especially this time of year, is not good for my blood pressure.

So now I have to decide what I want to get. I was pretty set on upgrading to the XR but then I started reading reviews this afternoon and now I'm debating getting the XS (though I hate saying it because it sounds like "excess" and it really is but sometimes you gotta treat yourself!). Tim said he thought the XS was too extravagant and I should just get the XR. But the XS has the nicer camera and I use the camera a lot. And if I'm going to get a phone I can use for as long as I used the iPhone 6, then is the XS the way to go? Or should I just get the XR knowing that in 3-5 years the new iPhone out then will make the XS look like crap?

Hm, now that I am typing this out, the XR does seem like the more logical choice. Reading the review on Tom's Guide, the XS MAX has better battery life than the XS but the XS MAX is HUGE and I don't think I want a phone that is 6.5". I need to be able to fit it in my pocket! So XR makes more sense in that regard and by the time I upgrade again, they will all look like the XS right?

Has anyone else upgraded to a new iPhone recently?

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