gamer problems

Jan 05, 2019 23:27

I bought Human: Fall Flat during the Xbox sale last month because my friend told me it was a lot of fun and that it had online multiplayer.

It is a lot of fun, reminds me of Portal in that you need to bend your brain the right way to solve the puzzles.

Problem is, for some reason, it makes me nauseous after about 30 minutes. I think it is that the little character is so wobbly and that when you get stuck on a puzzle, you end up making them run around in circles, zooming in and around them and the constant shaky camera just breaks my brain...and then my stomach.

I haven't actually thrown up but I just feel ill after I stop. Which sucks because it is really fun! I can't figure out what would help! I'm going to play online with my friend next week and I'm worried I will die halfway through LOL. I wonder if I sat in the center of the couch or changed the TV's resolution or something.

And, with that, I'm going to get into bed because apparently making myself feel ill also makes me tired.

And it's 11:30pm and I've been up since 6:30 because the cat's water fountain was low and started making weird noises which always sends Apollo into a panic, yowling fit. Blah.

Sunday tomorrow!! I am sleeping until I am awake!!


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xbox, video_games, video games, gamergirlproblems

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