Virtual mix for you!

Dec 29, 2018 14:32

For over ten years, I would send out a mix CD to friends and family of my favorite songs of the year. It was a labor of love - I would sit and sort through all my albums, finding my favorite songs and then put them all in order, trying to create a story or theme that tied it all together ( Read more... )

spotify, music, yearlymixcd

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Comments 27

icecoldrain December 29 2018, 20:00:03 UTC
I'll def listen to this tonight :D

It's kind of sad that a lot of people no longer have CD players lol! Also, yesssss I second it being hard to go back to the free version of Spotify after having Premium! They're also having a promo going right now for people who had Premium but no longer have it as long as they didn't cancel it in the last few months. That promo is $9.99 for three months! The 99 cent promo is better but hey. That's a pretty good deal because it breaks down to $3.33/month for those three months!


orangerful December 30 2018, 17:27:52 UTC
I have a CD player in my car and my PC, so 9 times outta 10 I just get a CD, rip it, and then shelve it forever. It's hard to justify the physical item anymore. I know the sound quality is better, but I listen on the go more than anything and my iPod is just so much easier!

I logged in to my Mom's Spotify account and got her the 99 cent deal. I told her I would check in after 3 months to see if she was using it LOL


icecoldrain December 30 2018, 18:11:06 UTC
Same here! We used to have a CD player in the living room too but that died so now it's just my PC and car. My mom's car doesn't have a CD player so it sucks when it doesn't get a wifi signal and there's no music at all lmao. I put all my CDs on my iPod and then gave away most of them. I still have some CDs but I haven't bought one in yearssssss. I just get my music through iTunes. The iPod is so much easier! I just burn mix CDs for my car and that's about it.

That was cool! lmao yeah I'd do the same if my mom had Spotify.

Speaking of subscriptions, I thought I let hulu expire a month ago and I got an e-mail last night telling me it expired. I was like, I HAD IT FOR A WHOLE MONTH AND DIDN'T EVEN REALIZE IT?! lmfao shows how much I use hulu! I'm much more of a netflix girl.


orangerful December 30 2018, 21:44:11 UTC
Our car has a CD player but also bluetooth so I put everything on my iPod touch and just listen that way, even if we own the CD because who wants all those CDs in the car anymore? I remember I had a whole book of mix CDs I kept in my car back in college. I've never been a fan of radio.

LOL oh poor Hulu. That's kind of the same reason I cancelled cable. I remember coming home and realizing everything I watched was on the DVR so what was the point of having live TV anymore? I do use Hulu a LOT though. And Netflix. Amazon is really the weakest of the group but now they will have Expanse Season 4 so I gotta keep it!!


ragnarok_08 December 30 2018, 05:24:47 UTC
Awesome mix!!!


orangerful December 30 2018, 17:28:06 UTC
Thanks :D


trepkos December 30 2018, 10:26:10 UTC
"most people don’t have easy access to a CD player anymore"

Wow! Really? I guess virtual music is more environmentally friendly, but I find that a bit depressing. Maybe because it means I'm old, and soon I won't be able to play my CDs ...


orangerful December 30 2018, 17:29:42 UTC
I have a CD player in my car and in my PC, that's it. It is kinda sad but I probably listen the most in the car and second in the kitchen, which means I remember when my hands are cutting up chicken so I just shout at Alexa until she plays something for me.

Even when I do buy a CD, I tend to rip and it shelve it. I mean, I'm prepared for the Great Wipe, if that ever happens, with all of my Beatles CDs and the necessities. :)


meathiel December 30 2018, 13:32:39 UTC
Thanks for sharing.

I've actually been thinking about going back to a basic unpaid Spotify account. I have to admit I don't really know what the differences are.


orangerful December 30 2018, 17:40:22 UTC
Paid account lets you listen without commercials and not shuffling so if you like to hear whole albums, it is really good. It also lets you download, so if you listen on the go and don't want to use data, it is also good.

BUT if those are not things you need/want, then free is better.
I signed up for Spotify when it was brand new and I think there was a glitch that let me listen to all the things on my iPad that they never bothered to fix LOL.


twissie December 30 2018, 13:33:21 UTC
I love this, thanks! I'll make sure to take time to listen through it.

It's a little bizarre to me that people don't have CD players anymore. What did people do with their CD collections? I mean, I have mine in storage, because I moved half way across the world..... but I do have a player, and I buy physical CDs still, because you can't control the content on streaming services, and it feels too fleeting and insecure to me. I'd rather curate my own collection.


orangerful December 30 2018, 17:43:19 UTC
I have a CD player in my car and my PC so even when I buy a CD, I end up ripping it. And after moving a bunch of times over the course of a few years, I ended up weeding my collection down so I do HAVE CDs but they are all stored digitally now. But if the apocalypse comes and wipes my computer but somehow lets me still listen to CDs, I do have backups LOL.

But even if I buy a CD on Amazon, it gives you the mp3 rip free so sometimes I get the CD and don't need to open it.

If I buy a CD now, I have to really like the band and want them as part of my collection vs. just music I like for a little bit. Streaming services let me test that out at least, so I can tell if they are a band that will stay with me outside of a certain mood. I will be buying the new Bastille CD as soon as it comes out, for example.


twissie January 1 2019, 14:04:06 UTC
Free mp3 rips included with a physical media is a nice touch, I've only had that with re-released/new vinyl, and it's so nice!

Yeah, streaming is really good for testing the waters and checking for new music. I guess streaming as sort of replaced traditional radio and MTV in that respect. That's how I grew up discovering new acts, so I sort of lost my ground when people gravitated towards digital content.


orangerful January 1 2019, 18:49:40 UTC
After working in radio right after college I realized how bad it is for finding new music? Like, I saw how the playlists were generated and it was ridiculous because there are a set bunch of "new" songs they are required to play every hour and then another set that is from the "classics" and it doesn't leave much room for deep cuts or actually new music. Turned me off of radio, actually.

I watched SO MUCH VH1 in high school. Pop Up Video was my show. But I started college right as the internet was really becoming a *thing* so I started going on message boards and such and finding new musicians that way.

We went to a concert this year in Boston with a smaller musician playing, someone that Sylvia had found via YouTube, and I had forgotten how amazing it feels to go to those little shows with less than 100 people and dance around and then afterwards high five the artist and tell them they were awesome.


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