Living in the modern age

Dec 17, 2018 22:05

So, over ten years ago, I started an annual tradition of making a mix CD to share with friends and family. Last year, after a dry spell in music listening and also tallying up the post office bills of mailing CDs all over the country (sometimes the world), I decided to stop.

Then I found this wonderful thing called Spotify Premium and spent all year listening to music again, rediscovering old favorites, catching new albums when they were released and discovering new artists. Suffice it to say, I could make about 3 mix CDs with all the songs I've enjoyed this year.

So I'm going to build two playlists - the 90 minute version (i.e. what would have fit on a CD) and the "Deluxe Edition" that will contain ALL the tracks I enjoyed.

Because I'm a bit of a music nerd, I am going to spend an inordinate amount of time putting the songs in order so that it is not just a mix, but a weird story in song form. Usually I try to link together themes and emotions where I can.

I *think* you can stream the songs even if you don't have a Spotify account...maybe. If that doesn't work, I guess I could make a YouTube playlist...but first I have to pick the songs and their order!

BRB listening to 90 minutes of music and stressing about which song comes next!

EDIT: Dear GODS I just remembered that CDs are only 80 minutes!! Cassettes were 90 minutes..I am old.

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music, end_of_year_lists, yearlymixcd

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