It's not shopping for myself if it was free, right?

Nov 27, 2018 22:50

I collect the Disney Movie Reward points and I've been hoarding them for awhile. They just haven't had any movies or rewards that appealed to me. And then I saw her:

Now, I have a strict "no shopping for myself" rule from Nov-Dec 25 because I don't want to buy myself something that might be gifted to me...and I have not seen the new Wreck-It Ralph BUT I ADORE Rapunzel/Tangled. She is my spirit animal princess. So when I saw I could get her for FREE with my Disney Movie Rewards points I was like HECK YES! It doesn't count as buying it if I just used pointed, right???

I'm tempted to go back and get Belle too, if only because she has a book and will fit in with my librarian decor but I know this is a slippery slope because OMG THEY ARE JUST ALL SO ADORABLE!

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retail therapy, collecting, disney

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