(no subject)

Oct 27, 2018 22:42

Welp, our computers at work continue to be screwed. They do have someone working on it all though, but we are discouraged from logging in to a wired device while at work until they have definitely cleaned everything. Which means I don't get to sneak a peak at LJ/DW like I usually do when I have a few minutes of down time and need to relax. So I got a little bit behind this week, just did a speed read of everyone's posts but sorry if I didn't comment.

And because of the computers being down, they haven't said anything about the job I interviewed for. Cue me going CRAZY wondering! Honestly, it was stressing me out so much this week I kinda made myself sick on Thursday. I don't know how to feel about it all, but I'm afraid to start planning stuff for work because what if I got it?? That would mean I would need to switch gears and start training other staff to do my jobs...and it all boils down to the fact that HR can't email out the rejection noticed because email is compromised. :|

And now for something completely different -- Anyone play DON'T STARVE TOGETHER and want to team up? We used to play the game on our group game night but now that our friend got a new job (yay for him!) we had to cancel our game nights. Tim has been playing Star Citizen with some new online friends but i honestly cannot stand that game so I was hoping to start playing but I'm too shy to just jump in to a bunch of randos. I'm honestly not that good at the game so I don't want to get in trouble. Let me know if you would be interested!

Aaaaand it's almost 11. I'm going to read for a bit and then pass out because today was a day and this week has been a week. Toodle pip!

This entry was originally posted at https://orangerful.dreamwidth.org/1283208.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

video games, work_stuff, don't_starve

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