scary movies and memories

Sep 15, 2018 23:32

We just watched A Quiet Place which I actually enjoyed. It was about my level of scary, all about the tension and suspense but at a PG-13 kind of way. It felt like a missing chapter of the Cloverfield story, but maybe that was the the creature design. It was a TENSE 90 minutes.

I went to go rate it on Letterboxd and noticed that a new Halloween movie is coming out next month. Usually, I wouldn't care about slasher flicks, especially the 11th in the series, but this one is supposed to be a sequel to the first film, ignoring everything else ever made (they even mock the second film in the trailer, in case you weren't sure of the timeline).

Like I said, I'm a wuss. I saw the first Halloween because I am big into film and it is hailed as the first slasher/kill the promiscuous teen film so I felt like I had to see it. I can't remember where my parents were that weekend, but my aunt Dana took me to the local video store and we got Halloween and Exorcist, both movies I was WAY too young to see...I must have been 12 or under. But it was for my education! And it was their own fault for leaving her in charge, clearly! She was my "cool aunt", the one that let me get away with stuff, swear etc. - stuff that when you are 12 and under feels AMAZING and SO ADULT.

But, anyway, while I watched most of 'Halloween' with my hands over my face, I actually did enjoy it. I rented the second one too, which I didn't hate, but knew to stop there. I don't think I have watched them since though, because I'm sure they would steal freak me out!

So the idea of a continuation of that story does sound cool, especially watching Jamie Lee Curtis run around with crazy grandma hair and a shotgun in the trailer.

Side note: The only part in Exorcist that freaked me out was the spinal tap scene. MEDICAL PROCEDURES ARE GROSS! I guess Satan is less scary than a crazy dude in a mask with a large knife. *shrug*

second side note: Sylvia has informed me she has been watching the first season of American Horror Story so I guess her Mom forgot to set the child lock on Netflix or something because I know I still have the lock on mine. She's binge watched that but Quiet Place was too much for her. I guess they are very different kinds of scary stories.

Any scary story memories to share? What was the first scary movie you saw? Was it "age appropriate" or did someone "let" you watch it?

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movies, memories

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