"I want my Dutch and to eat my Pawter too." "We're not baked good."

Sep 02, 2018 21:53

Holy crap, Killjoys season 2 was INSANE!!!!!!! We just finished off the finale. I really loved how extra snarky everyone was this season LOL. Like, I was getting definite Firefly vibes.

I do have to say, I'm a little worried about the show suffering from the same issue that Supernatural had where any love interest has to die horribly. I was really upset about Pawter because I really liked her face. And just her dynamic with Johnny.

I adore Lucy and her relationship with Johnny and if it wasn't weird, I would ship them...wait..."ship" them? LOL oh man, did they do that on purpose??

I felt like Dav was a lot more likeable this season. Perhaps it was the increased snark factor and less of the woe-is-me that he had in season 1. I mean, it made sense for him to be all dark and mysterious that season, but I like the natural progression to being part of the team and capable of quipping with the others.

Did not expect them to try to make us feel for Khlyen at the end there. But I did. I really liked Johnny's pep talk, saying that Dutch had permission to love someone she hates.

Pree. <3 <3 <3

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