Niagara Falls adventure crowdsourcing

Jul 28, 2018 23:05

So, Tim finally got his passport and I've decided to start small and just drive across the border into Canada so he can get his first stamp (do they stamp them at the border? I don't know, but I will be a nerd about it and request I get a stamp).

I'm thinking Niagara Falls and staying on the Canada side. Found a few hotels that had a good rating and a good price so now I need to book one. My plan is to be in the area for 3 days and that seems like a lot for just the falls so anyone have any suggestions for activities?

I see that Toronto is about 90 minute drive - suggestions for the city would be welcome too.

I haven't been to Niagara since I must have been pretty young, like 10? 12? I don't really remember it anymore, my brain apparently was not impressed. I do remember sitting on the beach with my Grandma while my family ran into the casino somewhere just to say they gambled in Canada. LOL. Maybe it was a new casino at the time? Random, I know.

Anyway, if you've been more recently or know of some must-see things in that radius, let me know! I've got Wanderlust with so many other people going on vacation so I want to plan something so I have it to look forward too. :)

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vacation, crowdsourcing

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