books read in October 2017

Nov 01, 2017 17:05

This list looks impressive until you see how many graphic novels are on here LOL. Still, I got through quite a lot! There are a couple here that I didn't read cover to cover, but I got the gist of it. (Also, GoodReads is being wonky and not bringing up all the books I marked as "read"...really weird. I remembered a few that I knew I had on my list ( Read more... )

reading, books

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kseenaa November 4 2017, 22:58:56 UTC
I really should do a post like this to. Although it'll be really short... and I listen to a lot of podcasts and books I read I listen to as audiobooks, because... busy moma here. :-P


orangerful November 5 2017, 01:58:07 UTC
Do it! I'm always curious what podcasts people are listening to as I tend to just stick to NPR quiz shows LOL. A couple of these books were audiobooks too! Listening counts! You are taking in the information!

I had a friend who used to track all of her online article reading too, which I could never do LOL.


kseenaa November 5 2017, 22:06:27 UTC
I will then. :-D Thanks for the encouragement! It almost feels like cheating to listen to audiobooks though. :-P Is that silly to think like that?


orangerful November 6 2017, 15:38:51 UTC
It's an argument I hear all the time from parents, that listening is cheating, but it is really not! I mean, if it wasn't for audiobooks I would miss out on a lot of stories. I find I really enjoy listening to adult non-fiction and if it wasn't for audiobooks, I would never get around to those stories because I'm into reading graphics and YA more. :) And Podcasts are practically non-fiction audiobooks in some cases!


kseenaa November 10 2017, 22:26:06 UTC
You are absolutely right! Hell, I help kids get access to a special app for just that at my school library!

AKA, I'm an idiot. *LOL* I always feel inferior to a colleague of mine at another school library who reads books for her work ALL THE TIME! And I'm sitting here wondering how in the hell she finds time for it???


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