My Grandparent's house went up for sale and my Mom sent me the
listing and it is giving me all kinds of feels.
I mean, no one in our family needs that house - it is huge and all of them have had their families already and the grandkids are all grown up and either are not having kids (oddly, most of us) or have their one kid and skipped town.
But it is still sad to see it all empty and cleared out and wondering if someone will just buy it and bulldoze it to make apartments or something else.
Growing up, this was one of the few stable places in our family - Navy Brat meant we moved around a lot, my Dad's parents moved several times too - but the Gradys stayed put and I knew this house pretty well. I loved it so much I even took my high school friends up there to visit one summer because I just wanted them to see it and be in it. I took my friend Amy there too and Tim also visited several times. It was just an important landmark for me, so many family memories.
End of an era.
GAH now I'm tearing up at work! Let me go read some Pete the Cat books to clear my head!
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