PSA: FREE Rifftrax!

Oct 02, 2017 17:40

I LOVE Rifftrax - I mean, I was a fan of MST3K back in the day, so it only makes sense that my love transferred over when these guys started to make fun of modern movies and more.

Today, they are giving away 4 free Riffs if you download their new and improved app. The Riffs are "just the jokes" but with the new app, you can turn on the movie and your device will hear the audio and sync up automatically! Can't wait to test this out!

The free Riffs are for Iron Man, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Twilight: New Moon and Star Trek V. Once you've downloaded the app, just search for each title and hit "download" to make it yours. They say "free" in the corner.

I can tell you from experience these are perfect for gatherings with friends (especially if adult beverages are involved) or when you're home sick and need to laugh between the coughing.

Grab the app and the movies Riffs before they change their mind!

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psa, lols, rifftrax

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