so long, Imzy

May 24, 2017 15:34

Imzy is shutting down June 23

It's not a big surprise, but I feel like there were so many missteps take here and so much that could have been done to create a stronger community of nicer people.

Oh well. So long, Imzy. We hardly knew ye.

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imzy, internetz

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Comments 21

_profiterole_ May 24 2017, 20:44:36 UTC
Sad for them, but this is actually the first time I can access an Imzy link. Someone on my flist way back linked to the FAQ and even that was locked.


elisi May 24 2017, 21:02:14 UTC
Oh. Well, that's a shame.

(I say, having set up an account and NEVER USED IT.)


orangerful May 25 2017, 03:55:44 UTC
LOL I'm sure you're not the only one saying the exact same thing.


thistle_chaser May 27 2017, 02:31:27 UTC
Me too! I had an account (someone, Hamsterwoman?, got a t-shirt from recruiting a couple of us), but I never spent time figuring out the site.


eowyn May 24 2017, 21:48:25 UTC
I missed Imzy altogether - never even heard of it? Flash in the pan?


orangerful May 25 2017, 03:57:33 UTC
It's heart as in the right place - a kinder, safer Reddit - but they never really figured out their own identity apart from that. It's weird they are shutting it down right after launching the new feature for following people...I guess they just ran outta cash. They were making a lot of random merch and giving it away.

Plus, the whole "tipping" system was dumb so I doubt they had any income. If you liked a community, you were supposed to "tip" the owner. Riiiiiiight


eowyn May 25 2017, 08:19:30 UTC
Hmm, sounds like the victim of bad planning!


author_by_night May 25 2017, 00:26:21 UTC
I said on my LJ that I have no idea why sites think it's a good idea to, for starters, have a month or two long waiting list, so when you finally get your code you've lost interest. In fairness to them, on my end things were going on by the time I finally got my code, so I never really did much with it, but... still. They made a lot of mistakes, that's for sure.


jediknightmuse May 25 2017, 03:54:10 UTC
Agreed. I mean, I remember when you had to have a code to get a Livejournal account, and it was like this special thing for you to get an invite code...but with the way social media has expanded over the years, and with 99% of social media sites being free without a catch like that, it's really not a great idea to have a site that you need and invite to like that. Back then, it absolutely would have worked 'cause it would have been a little more common, I think. Now? Not so much. People can look at a site, see that you have to have a code and go "nope, sorry, I'll go to a free access site instead" very easily now.


blakmagjick May 25 2017, 00:28:51 UTC
Apparently it's been around for almost 2 years...doesn't seem like that long.


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