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Comments 29

awakenyourfaith April 1 2017, 06:04:41 UTC
I'm so glad you're into Steven Universe and Archer! :D


orangerful April 2 2017, 16:29:10 UTC
I just wish Steven was streaming somewhere other than Hulu so I could be caught up all the way! :((((((( I even downloaded the Cartoon Network app but they don't have the new episodes either I mean WTF! UGH! LOVE THAT SHOW SO MUCH!!!!!!!!


polkadotsshoes April 1 2017, 13:21:11 UTC
Also, are they not allowed to say "abortion" on a teen show or something?

My Fiance and I were saying the same too. Like wtf?

I heard quite a few episodes of Riverdale leaked somewhere on the internet so I've been avoiding the Riverdale tag on tumblr like the plague because spoilers.


orangerful April 2 2017, 16:31:02 UTC
Yikes, thanks for the heads up! I don't go on tumblr that much anymore but sometimes I do get bored and want to look at pretties but I think I will avoid that tag until the end of the season LOL


frelling_tralk April 1 2017, 13:53:17 UTC
We're on a slow burn with this show right now, I can feel the fuse moving closer and closer to the explosives and BOOM goes the dynamite. I can't decide if it will be Paige or Tuan or Philip. The whole thing with Philip starting to question why Russia can't feed it's people and the Russian expat telling him that the USSR is too screwed up to do it, simple as that. I've been binge-watching The Americans lately for the first time and I agree, I feel like they're setting up Phillip to really question whether communism is actually even a system that works. He's always enjoyed living in America and acknowledged that it's a more comfortable life there, but at the same time there's still nostalgia for his homeland that he's never really let go of. Maybe that could change now that he's being forced to hear so many complaints that he can't really deny on how the system over there works? Bit OT, but one thing I've been surprised about actually is that the show doesn't have more of Phillip and Elizabeth actually discussing Communism, and why ( ... )


orangerful April 2 2017, 16:34:04 UTC
I'm wondering if maybe we are heading towards that direction, of Philip and Elizabeth finally saying "Wait, what *are* we fighting for?" because, you're right, they don't really talk about Communism vs Capitalism. They've been indoctrinated to not think about it, I'm sure, just like Americans probably don't sit and think much about Democracy/Capitalism except in very broad terms. They are so focused on the mission...or, at least, they have been. I think the whole prospect of going back to Russia really made Philip think about it all again, at least a little bit, especially since I think they have a kind of rose-colored glasses memory of their homeland. I mean, they know it was rough and imperfect, but they have built it up in their minds to be better. Now they are listening to this guy complain about how things have gone wrong and maybe they will start to question, the same way I think Oleg is starting to question.


erychan86 April 1 2017, 15:25:36 UTC
I'm behind with Riverdale, but I read the comment on Legion and OMG!!! I loved the episode too! I am way too into Dan Stevens right now... Especially now that I started Downton Abbey! How can he be adorable in every role she has? LOL!

The last bit after the credits was super important and thankfully I came across a post from Dan on instagram that said to keep watching... Otherwise I would have missed it!!! We need to remember after all it's a marvel show LOL!

I never watched any of the Xmen movies (well I watched Deadpool) so I know nothing about the universe, but legion made me want to watch some of the movies, so I might give them a try!

Can't wait for the next season! <3


orangerful April 2 2017, 16:36:52 UTC
Oh the X-Men movies...there are the ones worth watching -- X-Men, X-Men 2 (or X2 or X-Men United depending on the box), X-Men: First Class, X-Men: Days of Future Past...and just stop there.

The rest are just not good. :( I still remember going into a rage after seeing X-Men: Last Stand at the theater...thank goodness there was a bar across from the theater in the mall!


erychan86 April 2 2017, 16:51:50 UTC
Good to know!!! :D

I think the only time I went into rage after a movie (one and only) was after Mulholland Drive.... never hated something like I hated that movie!


orangerful April 2 2017, 20:05:33 UTC
LOL it doesn't happen often, but when it is a fandom close to my heart, I tend to get more protective when I see the properties abused. Plus, to top it off, the movie ripped off the Joss Whedon comic and did it badly. Ugh.

Though I've heard people who have no knowledge of the comics/cartoon from the 90s have enjoyed that movie because they didn't have the high expectations us X-Men geeks had LOL. :)

The Wolverine movies were straight up BAD though. I stole that movie when it leaked online and I still wanted my money back! The only reason the movie made any sense was because I played the video game first - that's never a good sign!


_profiterole_ April 1 2017, 15:41:11 UTC
I'm very happy with Legion and will definitely watch Season 2. :-)


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