That book meme, 5-10

Jun 18, 2016 16:42

6: Public library or personal library?
This one is probably obvious LOL. I've always gone to the library since I was a teen, mostly because I liked to research my current pop culture obsessions and the only way I could get all the books was through the library. I very rarely buy a book, usually if I buy it I have already read it and just want a copy to lend to friends OR it is a collectible book in some way.

The years where I didn't go to the library regularly I didn't read very much. Now I have stacks of books on my desk all the time! Plus, since they are free, I'm more adventurous in picking up different types of books. I would be so broke if I bought every book I had on hold at the library.

7: What is the most important part of a book, in your opinion?
The binding? I mean, without that, it's just a stack of papers! Just kidding! (though that question is phrased oddly). I'd probably say the characters and their arcs. I like books where the characters change and grow in some way...which is probably why I prefer children's and teen's fiction. As I always say, in most "adult" fiction, the characters start out miserable and end up miserable.

8: Why are you reading the book you're currently reading?
I'm listening to 'Watership Down' because it was never on my radar until a few years ago...I think when it popped up on LOST as one of the books that Sawyer was reading. And then the BBC/Netflix announced a miniseries sometime next year with a fantastic cast.

I think I read a review of 'Of Better Blood' in 'School Library Journal' while looking for new books to booktalk. With everything going on in our country right now, a historical fiction novel for teens about the eugenics moment in the 1920s felt very...relevant.

Oh and all my Star Wars friends will be happy to know that 'Bloodline' finally arrived on my desk!!! I'm only 30 pages in and already SO MANY FEELS!

9: If you were to publish a book what (besides your real name) would you use for your author name?
orangerful? Or maybe I'd just use my first and middle name. Or perhaps just go with "Sam" instead of "Samantha" to keep the sexist readers guessing!

10: Do you listen to music when you read?
NOPE! If there are any other sounds, I will be distracted. Music is the worst because my brain will start singing along. Even if there are no words, my brain will try to connect the music to an image or movie so, again, distracted! This is why I mostly read in bed or when I have lunch alone.

reading, books, about_me, meme

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