they are still fighting the Civil War in the south...

Apr 04, 2016 14:35

Mississippi's Confederate Heritage Month proclamation prompts outcrySeriously, how could they not think this was going to cause issues? They did it to CAUSE issues. What is wrong with the U.S. right now? Why are these states going insane ( Read more... )

news, wtf

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Comments 24

kaitydid33087 April 4 2016, 19:32:36 UTC
I...can't. I literally cannot. History is repeating itself right now, and it's like, has nobody learned anything?


zhelana April 4 2016, 20:40:12 UTC
just let me out first!


orangerful April 5 2016, 02:28:58 UTC
Of course!


kita0610 April 4 2016, 20:50:16 UTC
They're still fighting the war, laboring under the delusion they are going to win. I used to live in the South. Every day I am so grateful that I no longer do.


orangerful April 5 2016, 02:29:52 UTC
My friend is from the South and he is the one who always says to me that the Civil War never really ended down there. He just shakes his head at the ignorance. It's just so sad, how can we expect to move forward with so many holding us back?


ragnarok_08 April 4 2016, 20:51:38 UTC
What the sweet Joan of Ark?!!!

That stuff is just appalling DX


brunettepet April 4 2016, 21:49:17 UTC
This ridiculousness is getting completely out of hand.


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