ask me anything #25-28

Mar 26, 2016 22:18

We went hiking today. I actually felt pretty good when I woke up. I'm in the super-fun drainage portion of this cold so my nose was running and I kept hacking up yellow gunk BUT I FEEL NORMALISH!

Anyway, we hiked for most of the afternoon in beautiful Rocks Park (clever name...there are rocks there). Saw a lovely waterfall and a really cool rock formation that was apparently featured in 'Tuck Everlasting' for anyone who has seen that.

Only bad part is that I appear to be very sunburnt on my face. *FAIL*

anyway, on to some questions! Going to do a few ahead since we are driving to Wisconsin on Monday and I won't be able to post (well, I could post via my phone but we all know how fun THAT app is!)

25. stydia asked: What book would you like to see turned into a movie/television show?
I'm still waiting on my Y: The Last Man tv series! I know it has been optioned a few times now, but nothing has come of it. Right now, FX has it "in development" but there are no details. It would need to be a series though, there is FAR too much story to cram into a movie. It would be hilarious if they could do 'Transmetropolitan' as a TV show but I'm not sure they can legally show that stuff on tv...then again, there is a Preacher show that is supposed to come out later this year and that comic was banned (and not because of the weird scene where that guys has sex with an armadillo...).

26. rachg82 asked: What would you consider to be your spirit animal?
If I had to go with an actual animal I'd probably go with a dog (and now all I can think of is the Parks & Rec episode where they pick spirit dogs for everyone). I had an Australian Sheep Dog when I was a kid (well she was part that and something else, mutts 4 life). She was the best dog, so sweet and loving and fun. I think Australian sheep dog would be my spirit animal.

27. verdande_mi Favourite fandom-memory/happening?
All of my adventures at Dragon*Con, but especially getting to meet and hang out with faeriesfolly and jellibean for the first time after being LJ friends for so many years. And meeting up as the wild party that is D*C made it even more fun.

Other than that would be the time I met Joss Whedon, but I've blogged about that adventure a few times now because it makes me happy every time I think about it. :)

28. kaitydid33087 asked: If you could meet anyone, real or fictional, living or dead, who would it be and why?
Well, as I mentioned above, I met Joss so I'm good. :) I guess the next person on my list would be Steven Spielberg. I'd love to sit at a table with him and listen to him talk about film and directing and storytelling. I feel like he has a good grasp on where he came from and where he is going as a filmmaker.

Wait, no, Oscar Isaac. I want to sit and drool next to him. He so pretty.

(yes, I went from lofty fangirl to horny fangirl in the middle of writing that response, I blame the fact that I had tumblr open in the browser behind my LJ editor)

questionsforamonth, about_me

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