what is happening to me???

Nov 01, 2015 11:46

I've never been a fashion person. I've never really thought about clothes too much, apart from my Her Universe geeky outfits.

But now that I have discovered Torrid...dear god, hide my wallet!

They just launched a new line designed by Rebel Wilson. And I want SO MUCH OF IT (well, not the stuff with the weird koala design, that doesn't do it for me...but the other stuff that I'm pretty sure I could wear to work if I wanted to be fancy, GUH!).


I guess finding a story that actually carries attractive clothing in sizes that definitely fit me makes a big difference. Who knew digging through the racks at Kohls or hoping that Hot Topic makes an XXL in a shirt would be so destructive to my fashion self esteem?

Anyway, not going to spend money now. I'm going to add them to my wishlist, and if they are still available next time I want to shop...then I will get them.

...or I will send the list to my Mom right NOW and tell her that I am not going to buy them but if Santa would like to order me anything, I would much appreciate it LOL.

shopping, clothes

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