busy Friday/Saturday

Oct 24, 2015 19:16

Books for the Beast was a lot of fun. Even though I didn't actually *read* Jennifer Donnelly's book, I enjoyed her keynote speech about her writing process. Just placed a hold on her upcoming novel, These Shallow Graves, which sounded really good.

Also snagged a copy of Brian Selznick's new books The Marvels which I started last night and I am really enjoying. His books are just a whole different world. If you've never flipped through a Selznick books, you're missing out on his amazing blend of art and text. Last night I read 392 pages and they were all artwork, lovely charcoal sketches, each page a rich piece of storytelling art.

In music news, Panic! At the Disco has a new album coming out in January! Sylvia and I are very excited. Hoping he does a proper tour so we can snag tickets to a venue nearby that will allow 14 year olds. New video went up yetserday. I like the song though I am not 100% sure the video goes with it. (but ever since LEGEND I do find a guy in full on demon make up fascinating to watch...I blame Tim Curry)

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And in hilarious work news, someone though it would be "helpful" to donate their old LIFE magazine to the library. Just one issue. From 1950.

Didn't seem to be anything of significance about this issue. Not amazing cover story or interviews. We did have a fun time looking at the old ads, like this one:

No throat irritation. Just cancer.

Bad news is that we missed out on RenFest this year. Been too busy on the weekends, with the house and wedding. I haven't missed a RenFest in years, sorta bummed but what can ya do?

Hope everyone is having a good weekend. :)

library, reading, life, books, work_stuff, music_videos, librarian

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