My Collection -- my first exclusive

Jan 14, 2015 23:43

twissie and a few others expressed interest in seeing more of my collection and I do love talking about my stuff so here goes:

Starting off with my first fandom and one of my first true rare collectibles (well, it felt rare to little pre-teen me!)

I joined the Official Lucasfilm Fan Club around the time Young Indiana Jones Chronicles was just starting out (I think I found the sign-up form in the back of The Mata Hari Affair novelization that I picked up at a book fair). I was a proud card carrying member, as you can see:

But when I got these beauties in the mail, I felt so special. It was the mid-90s and I think the club was just beginning to switch over from the Lucasfilm Fan Club to the Star Wars Fan Club, prepping us for the big prequel announcement on the horizon. I had a lot of Star Wars toys that I was now taking better care of after years of play. I was also collecting the Micro Machine series. In fact, I had both of these ships and figures already.


I knew that was important. I knew having that number on the box meant there were only a limited amount of us that received these toys. Even if I already had them sitting on a shelf in my room, THESE were better because they had a number. Oh the RUSH of knowing I had something so special in my hands. That I had earned it because of my loyalty. Yes, this was the gateway drug of collecting.

Look, the box even had special printing, TELLING me how these will be a VALUABLE addition to my collection.

I was hooked. And here I am twenty years later a proud member of the DC Star Wars Collecting Club.

Do you collect anything? What was the first collectible you remember being really excited about?

collecting, star wars, memories, star_wars

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