**sings** GALAVANT!

Jan 11, 2015 10:44

This turned into a very musical Saturday! This morning we saw Into the Woods (more on that in another post) and then in the evening we watched Galavant.

Those first two episodes were SO MUCH FUN! I'm almost sad that it's only on for 4 weeks but I'd rather have a high quality show that's done with a few episodes than drag it out.

Also, Timothy Omundson! I didn't even know he was in this and it was really the last piece of the puzzle to make me watch (and I also knew Sylvia would definitely watch with me since her first love will always be Psych). I'm so looking forward to Weird Al's appearance AND Anthony Stewart Head is apparently showing up at some point too! Heck, all of the casting has been fantastic in just the first two hours.

And after we watched that, Tim started Googling the show for more information and he stumbled upon this gem:

The Soundtrack to Your Childhood

...which quickly turned into a game of "Name That Tune Before He Starts Singing or the Text Appears". The only one I didn't know was "Newsies" since I completely missed that when it first came out and never went back to it and now I fear I may be too old to appreciate it.

Actually, I think I enjoyed Galavant more than I did Into the Woods, but that is probably because it was 100% new to me versus struggling with my inner fangirl the entire time I watched the movie...but, yes that is going to need it's own post!

musicals, tv_shows, childhood

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