random questions, random answers

Nov 12, 2014 19:47

LOL so like 12 days ago I asked for ragnarok_08 to ask my 5 questions as part of a meme and then I sat here and didn't answer ANY OF THEM. LOL. I am so awful at question memes. But it's 7pm and I'm mentally done with work even though I have two hours left ( Read more... )

music, questionsforamonth, about_me, comics, buffy the vampire slayer

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Comments 10

kaaelyn November 13 2014, 03:11:36 UTC
I dislike rap as well!

Christmas is my absolute favorite holiday for the exact reasons you listed! I love giving gifts to people and making them happy. :)


orangerful November 18 2014, 04:11:54 UTC
Me too! I'm already brainstorming though I'm trying to be good too. Ugh, this saving for a house is HARD!


nimnod November 13 2014, 05:57:12 UTC
I do so miss Buffy! There's been nothing quite like it since.


orangerful November 18 2014, 04:12:32 UTC
So very true. Many have tried but no one has managed to capture the essence of the show. They tend to only focus on one part, and while those shows are still fun to watch, they just don't resonate with me the same way.


rogueslayer452 November 13 2014, 08:09:25 UTC
Agreed about BTVS. It wasn't entirely perfect throughout its run, and there were things I wished hadn't happened or were done differently, but by the end I loved how the story was told. That series finale, in my opinion, was well done in showing precisely what the show was about, what Buffy herself was about, defying what a Slayer was, defying what others expected of her, and how it was about giving women that strength to fight back. Just, the entire show was a formative part of my life.

I'm interested in your music answer, because I find all music genres can have certain negative messages depending on the musical artist and what they plan on selling through their particular brand and through the mainstream.

Christmas is definitely one of my favorite holidays, as well. ♥


orangerful November 18 2014, 04:15:42 UTC
Oh yes, all musical genres have their values and messages and I am VERY picky about my music and musicians and what they support. But I find that turning on a country station or rap station, I am more likely to find something I object to right off the bat?

Also, I HATE RADIO. I don't listen to it because it just frustrates me. So much music out there and it's the same damn songs over and over. I have thousands of songs on my iPod and I LOVE surfing Spotify for new music. I tend to listen to singer/songwriter people, I can't abide most pop music and what it sells. I like to listen to people where if you grabbed their instruments and unplugged all the speakers, they would still be able to step up and perform. (which is who I fell for Bastille)


ragnarok_08 November 13 2014, 21:36:43 UTC
Thank you for answering my questions - very good answers!


orangerful November 18 2014, 04:16:18 UTC
Thank you! Sorry it took me so long to get around to them. I usually answer memes on slow nights at work but I've been flipped this month so I haven't had as many nights to goof off. :)


nemophilist November 14 2014, 00:59:25 UTC
I love your Buffy answer! One of the reasons I will always love that show.

That drawing is so cute!


orangerful November 18 2014, 04:17:09 UTC
It really is one of the greatest shows ever. I've managed to convince friends to watch it, friends older and younger than me, and they have BOTH loved it, which comforts me.


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