because I'm tacky!

Jul 19, 2014 18:05

I feel like I haven't posted in ages but I just looked at my journal and realized I was posting pretty regularly this was just all Weird Al videos LOL. I did get my copy of Mandatory Fun in the mail this week. (if you think you might want it, Amazon has the mp3 album for $6 right now). Anyway, I like the album a lot and I'm really hoping ( Read more... )

my_adventures, sims

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Comments 12

andy_wolverton July 20 2014, 00:02:41 UTC
I'm pretty upset about the work stuff too - we'll talk!

Cool on the kayaking! Did you do individual kayaks or two-seaters? Cindy and I kayaked with Murk awhile back - we should do it again.

Eager to hear about the zip line!


orangerful July 20 2014, 02:35:16 UTC
I hadn't been on the water in awhile so I made Murk get a two seater but I'd totally be find next time going solo. It was so fun. Tim has never been kayaking, though he says he has been in a canoe so now I feel like we HAVE to go to make him kayak. LOL.

I will tell you all about the zip lining...IF WE SURVIVE!


kaaelyn July 20 2014, 03:58:13 UTC
A zip line canopy tour sounds so AWESOME. I've never been zip lining. I hope you have fun!!


geekslave July 20 2014, 07:18:15 UTC
Been watching a lot of the Weird Al vids with Mike. It's funny because Mike makes me play the original vids first. Neither of us are very up with current music. Like I'm aware of songs like "Royals" and Blurred Lines" but I'd never heard them all the way through. Mike wasn't aware of them at all.

I'm not sure I could do the ziplining thing, but it sounds fun! Hope you have a wonderful time!



orangerful July 22 2014, 01:49:23 UTC
I know a lot more songs as parodies than I do as the "real" song. And even if I knew the song, his parodies tend to overshadow them for me really quick. The polkas are the best because when I start to sing along on the radio I end up hearing the accordian in my head LOL


geekslave July 23 2014, 06:38:28 UTC

I think the only song that I sometimes hear the Weird Al version when I'm listening to the real version is "Beat It."



pleasant_valley July 20 2014, 08:58:47 UTC
Sorry to hear that your having problems at work.

I'm loving the Weird Al "Word Crimes" video. It's kind of amazing that he is still so popular after all these years.

Have fun on your big adventure! :)


orangerful July 22 2014, 01:50:27 UTC
Thanks. Luckily, my co-workers are awesome and we are all unhappy with the decisions coming down from on high, but at least we are all working together to get through it. I know I am so very lucky to work with such an amazing bunch of people.

...I should probably post that somewhere they can read it!


howlin_wolf_66 July 20 2014, 15:29:15 UTC
Enjoy the zip line! :-)


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