Rifftrax Live: Sharknado

Jul 11, 2014 13:48

Yes, last night we saw Rifftrax Live: Sharknado and it was HILARIOUS! After a hectic day at work (not even gonna go into it) I needed to laugh and just forget the entire world and this totally did the trick. I was cracking up as soon as we sat down in the theater with the preshow "trivia":

I salute any of you that watched that movie without Mike, Bill, and Kevin there to protect you. I NEED those riffs to get through a movie this bad.

And there is something wonderful sitting in a full theater, surrounded by your friends and hearing everyone just LAUGHING for two hours. I think Rifftrax should be used in some kind of therapy.

They are doing an encore showing on Tuesday night. Check your local theater, it's well worth the money!

When I got home, I found that they had given us a code for 15% off our next order PLUS the movie I had been WAITING to go on sale - Jack the Giant Killer - was discounted to $7.95! So I snagged that for the next time I need a good laugh. That was the first live Riff I ever saw and I left the theater with a stitch in my side from laughing so hard.

movies2014, movies, rifftrax

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