
Apr 18, 2014 13:37

I'm back from vacation now, physically and mentally. We got home on Tuesday evening but then I took of Wednesday to recover, do laundry, run to the store to get food etc. Worked day yesterday because I had switched my schedule around to do the Babies program in the morning. Nothing like coming back from a week off to have to deal with 17 babies and 18 parents. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves though, except the one woman who was texting the whole time. Could have smacked the phone out of her hand. Seriously, her infant was in her lap and she was just texting away.

I contemplated attempting to scroll back through a weeks worth of posts on the flist but I don't think that is going to happen. Anyone have any breaking news I need to know about???? Or an amazing post they DEMAND I read?

Sylvia was off all week for Spring/Easter break so she is here with us today. We're going to run a few errands than watch "Catching Fire" (because it was on sale at Target for $13 on blu-ray! YEAH! I grabbed that).

Time for some burritos. I'll post about the whirlwind trip later on.

It was fun to be away but oh it feels so good to be home.

work_stuff, real_world

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