Elastic Hearts - orangerful's 2013 mix

Mar 07, 2014 18:22

FINALLY! I know you've all been waiting (or maybe not) for the track list for this year's mix. Remember, you're supposed to listen through at least ONCE without peeking at the list. :)

Hope you liked it!

1. Elastic Heart -- Sia featuring The Weeknd and Diplo from The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
This album is an awesome mix of music inspired by Catching Fire. Very different from the collection that was put together for the first movie, which all came from "District 12". This feels much more Capital, the world that Katniss has been dragged into against her will. I love the idea of the "elastic heart" because at first it sounds like it would be a good thing to have, to be able to bounce back from something tragic, like surviving the Hunger Games. But then you realize that heart can't hold on to the good things either. It just continues to bounce back, from the good and the bad. Anyway, this is the first track because I felt it was a good theme for the entire mix.

2. Anklebiters -- Paramore -- Paramore
Tying into the survival by elastic heart, Anklebiters urges the listener to not obsess over what anyone else things about you, to be yourself. Because if you survive but you're not the real you, well, what is the point? "Someday you're gonna be the only one you got".

3. Drunk -- Ed Sheeran -- +
Okay, this album didn't come out in 2013, but I discovered it in early 2013 so that's why it's on this mix. Sheeran is definitely my kind of musician - singer, songerwriter, plays acoustic guitar, and bonus he is British and adorable. But anyway, this song, I love all the wordplay, reminds me of early Jason Mraz. And if you don't have an elastic heart, perhaps it's easier to just have a little drunk night.

4. Collar Full -- Panic at the Disco -- Too Weird to Live, Too Rare to Die
I felt like this song sounded a bit 80s? The drum machine reminds me of Ah-Ha and just makes me want to dance around.

5. Dance Apocaplyptic -- Janelle Monae -- The Electric Lady
You were already dancing anyway, so why not keep going? "You're not afraid to freak out", those are the kind of friends you want to have around you. People you can freak out with and then dance around with, no judgement. Also, isn't Monae's whole sound just awesome?

6. Sigh No More -- Mo Tancheron -- Much Ado About Nothing Soundtrack
Um, there was a Joss Whedon movie this year, you think I'm NOT going to include a song from it? "Much Ado" is my favorite Shakespeare comedy, Joss is my favorite director out there so I was a happy fangirl. And I really liked the arrangement for this piece.

7. Natalie -- Bruno Mars -- Unorthodox Jukebox
I know, Mars was EVERYWHERE this year, even at the Super Bowl! It was hard to find a song from this album that wasn't a single. But I found it amusing that "Sigh No More" said that "Men were deceivers ever" and then I put a song about a woman who took all of this guy's money for her own amusement. I have to admit, both of Mars' albums were on high-rotation earlier this year. Just LOVED them. Maroon 5 used to be my go-to for "sexy tunes" but I think Mars might now rule that genre.

8. I Was A Fool -- Tegan and Sara -- Heartthrob
Even though this album was very "poppy" and probably not their best stuff, it was still a solid listen. Again, this song made me think of 80s love ballads.

9. Hold Me -- Tom ODell -- Long Way Down
This was a random find - a blogger I follow on Wordpress posted about Odell earlier this year and I looked him up on Spotify and instantly fell in love with his sound. Again, singer, songwriter, plays piano - I was pretty much doomed from the start. Do yourself a favor and listen to the WHOLE album.

10. And Yet -- Sting -- The Last Ship
I've been a fan of Sting FOREVER. My Mom listened to him and he ended up becoming one of my favorite artists. This album was his first collection of new music in awhile, though it turned out to be the soundtrack for a Broadway musical he was working on so they are not exactly pop hits. But I liked this track and it still works pretty well outside the "musical". I think the whole idea of a place or time or person that we feel we should be done with, and yet, we find ourselves drawn to it is pretty universal.

11. Let It Go -- Idina Menzel -- Frozen soundtrack
How could I NOT put this on the mix? As soon as we all heard this song in the movie, we KNEW it was going to take the Oscar for best original song. Yeah, okay, it's not too many steps for Menzel from "Defying Gravity" (and it really made me wish Disney would do an animated version of "Wicked") but it's hard to deny this is a powerful ballad about breaking free, moving on and embracing yourself. I just hope that Disney can keep this level of quality for their next few films.

12. (One of Those) Crazy Girls -- Paramore -- Paramore
This was probably my favorite album of the year because it was built like an album. In between rockin' numbers like "Anklebiters" we would have these interludes with Hayley on ukelele, singing something sweet like this. I love the 1960s beat of this song. And we've all been here - I'm not one of those crazy girls...and now I'm one of those crazy girls.

13. Two Points for Honesty (Live) -- Guster -- Guster Live with the Redacted Symphony
Yes, Guster is still around! I tend to forget this since they were a "college" band for me. They are still playing still touring and, from this recording, it sounds like they still got it. One of my favorite songs of theirs so I had to include it (also, this mix is the 10th anniversary of my Mix Making tradition, so I had to throw one of the original bands onto here!) Oh, and they put this album out for FREE so you can download it from Noisetrade if you want more Guster.

14. Mirror -- Ellie Goulding -- Hunger Games: Catching Fire soundtrack
My favorite part of this sing is the chorus, when Goulding sings "I was the girl who was on fire" because it's hard not to associate that phrase with Katniss.

15. Nicotine -- Panic at the Disco -- Too Weird to Live, Too Rare to Die
This song sounds like Panic. And this would not be the first time he has compared love to some kind of drug. I feel like I could make an entire mix of songs with that theme.

16. Lego House -- Ed Sheeran -- +
Yeah, there are a lot of duplicates this year because I didn't have as many albums I listened to. It was hard for me to resist that first line "Let's pick up the pieces and build a LEGO house".

17. Something Good Can Work -- Two Door Cinema Club -- Tourist History
The first part of 2013 I spent a LOT of time playing Forza Horizons on Xbox. It's a street racing game, so you spend a lot of time cruising around for your next challenge. This song was on one of the stations and I really liked it. TDCC makes for some good driving music.

18. Heavily -- Mo Tancheron and Jed Whedon -- Much Ado About Nothing soundtrack
Wish this track wasn't so soft. I almost didn't include it but I like it as an original piece of music so it's here.

19. Storms -- Tom Odell -- Long Way Down
This mix needed another Odell tune and I liked this one a lot. :P

20. Stay the Night -- Zedd featuring Hayley Williams -- Clarity
Yeah, this got a LOT of airplay but it's hard to deny a good dance anthem.

21. Island Song -- Ashley Eriksson -- Adventure Time
In joke for all my Adventure Time fans, this is the song that plays over the end credits of every episode so how could I not make it the last track of this mix?? I only wish I had discovered Adventure Time sooner!

music, yearlymixcd

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