The wind rustles and life goes on

Aug 09, 2009 15:25

So its been a couple of years...give or take.

I'm no longer a photo chick, I've graduated college, and I've set off into the great wide world...while living at home.

I am very thankful to have a great job and great friends. Last weekend I was able to celebrate the marriage of one of my very good friends. I had an amazing time, and I wish him and his wife (weird as it is to say that) a very happy life together.

I've recently discovered the Rascal Flatts and their beautiful songs. *Calming thoughts*

I've also recently re-discovered the joy of rollerskating...and cotton candy.

I was in a golf tournament yesterday, and I had one of those moments I tend to have where I look out at nature and realize how wonderful it can be. The trees and the sun and the grass on a beautiful summer day. The birds singing. Not perhaps,  so much, the bees buzzing. The hills and the smell of fresh air. Nothing can really describe the feeling or do it justice.

And of course...I still love orange.

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