(no subject)

May 14, 2006 20:59

I swear, I don't get it.

I am over trying to understand how relationships work.

I am a hands-on kinda guy. I need to be in one in order to understand it. But that doesn't look like it will be happening anytime soon (translated, "never").

So I am swearing them off. I am swearing them off until somebody with enough brains and balls can come to me and demand it.

I don't want a question. I want somebody to come up and not give me an option; that is how sure they are of me.

I will no longer look for him.
Hear that? I am no longer looking for you. You have to look for me. Not "me" in the solely physical sense, but in a way that you can see me and appreciate me for all my fuck-ups and flaws.

And if you see me, lemme know.

Tons of people see me, but few even try to see me.

I drink.
I cuss.
I have an irrational fear of water.
I don't like talking about my medical issues to a general audience.
I am critical.
I am often harsh.
I am always sarcastic.
I am sometimes intolerant and impatient.
I am usually vain.
I am highly competitive.
I sometimes get so busy I forget to shower.
I don't believe in conincidence.
I can't gain weight.
I hate reading.
I am usually attracted to boys I can't date because it is safer.

Soon, somebody is going to want me to grow up. And he will not take no for an answer.
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