Jan 22, 2004 23:36
so i got back from ski trip on wednesday it was freaking awesome! I had loads of fun! Found out that you can get incredibly mad in like 1 second! The last day we skied it snowed and me and my dad went and did a whole bunch of blacks and for the first time i did like 5 double blacks i felt accomplished. I was skiing with my dad because poor chris got sick the last night which totally sucked! But thank god i got in a room with christine and roxana! It was really cool we went into town a couple times and one time we got coffee and one thing i have learned is never give christine an espresso she can't handle it she was so freaking hyper! I bought a shirt and a thimble....it was cool! The last day we were there and it was snowing my mask got so wet and then it frose it was awesome! oh yeah and at one point i skiied a run with roxana and kavon and kavon just kind of went the other way and me and roxana were waiting for him and after like 5 minutes we left and we found him sitting on his ass at the bottom of the moutain. Crazy bitch, i had to hike up the mountain to try and find him and he was just cruising along! crazy boy! I'm glad to be back because i missed my friends. But i was trying to be a good student and do stuff earlier tonight after chris left and i just am not in the mood to do anything constructive...it's weird and i don't like when this happens because i have many things i could be doing! I went to the talent show yesterday night and this really good breakdancer won he was totally awesome. He could like isolate every bone in his body...finally someone with talent wins a talent show...the last talent show i went to lipsyncing won ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! It's the year of the monkey yippee! So i have to take the SAT's on friday and i don't really want to...and ashton is gonna be on conan so i gots to go. plus stupid math test and me having to get up early sucks...ttyl
love ya'll,
Chelsea p.s reliant k kicks ass!