Title: Under Different Circumstances Team A vs. Team B
Chapter 229/?: Friendly Advice
Characters: Jean-Pierre, Oliver, Jean
Genre: Romance, comedy
Rating for this chapter: K+
Pairings: Jean-PierrexVincent, JeanxOliver
Summary: A series of short stories showing the evolution between Vincent and Jean-Pierre.
This chapter summary: Jean-Pierre tries to give Jean advice, for Valentine's Day.
Under Different Circumstances
Team A vs. Team B
Friendly Advice
Around Valentine’s Day, I was chatting with Sillylitteteaparty and she requested a fic where Jean-Pierre gave advice to Jean for Valentine’s Day.
At long last, here it is. Sorry it took so long.
Under Different Circumstances
Team A vs. Team B
Friendly Advice
His last meeting with Oliver had been interesting, to say the least. For some reason, the topic of Valentine’s Day had come up and Jean-Pierre had quickly understood, by Oliver’s sullen look, that he and Jean did not have any plans. Therefore, as any good friend would, he decided to help them out, without outright telling them. He knew he was dealing with two very stubborn people and had to approach this situation with caution.
However, he was determined to help his new friends, no matter what, and he devised a plan.
A few days before Valentine’s Day, he met up with Jean, for drinks. He knew that Jean was a prideful man and that he would not take love advice willingly, and so Jean-Pierre put his plan to use.
He believed, since Jean and Oliver were another version of himself and Vincent, or Québec and Ontario that he could read into their dynamics quite accurately. Plus, with the fact that he was now good friends with Oliver and that he’d managed to learn quite a bit about the situation between him and Jean, he was convinced his plan was perfect.
“C’est con, mais j’ai réalisé, récemment, que tout c’que Vincent voulait vraiment, pour la St-Valentin, c’tait d’passer une p’tite soirée tranquille, à la maison.”/ “It’s dumb, but I recently realised that all Vincent really wanted, for Valentine’s, was to pass a quiet evening, at home.” He started. Jean shrugged. Hearing about the other’s love life wasn’t exactly the most thrilling of conversation subjects.
“Avant, on s’organisait d’quoi d’élaboré, pis tout. Sorties au restaurant, fleurs, chocolats, toute le kit, là, mais en fin d’compte, une p’tite soirée tranquille, ça fait pas d’tord à personne. On est tellement occupé, en plus. Y’a rien d’mal à prendre un bon bain moussant ensemble.”/ “Before, we would organise something elaborate, and all. Outings at the restaurant, flowers, chocolates, the whole thing, but in the end, a quiet evening at home never hurt anyone. Plus, we’re so busy. There’s nothing wrong with taking a bubble bath together.” Jean-Pierre grinned to himself, when he noticed that Jean was starting to pay attention to what he was saying. His plan was working. If he threw in as much advice as he could, by passing it off as things he and Vincent enjoyed, then maybe Jean would try them out with Oliver.
“Pis Vincent aime les massages. Y’a rien qui m’empêche d’y faire un bon massage, après l’bain, question d’continuer la p’tite nuit romantique. Pis, tsé, ça peut donner l’mood pour d’autre chose, le massage. Bref, c’est plus ou moins sur quoi j’m’enlignais. Pis toi, t’as des plans pour la St-Valentin?”/ “And Vincent loves massages. There’s nothing stopping me from giving him a massage, after the bath, to continue the romantic night. And it can set the mood for other things, the massage. Anyways, that’s more or less what I was thinking of doing. What about you, d’you have any plans for Valentine’s?” Jean looked at him and ordered himself another drink.
Jean considered himself a very romantic man, when he wanted to. He could put on the good old French charm, whenever he felt like it and woo his current flame. Oliver Stanley was an entirely different matter. He wasn’t sure if it was because he knew Oliver better than anyone, the fact they spent a lot of their time arguing, or the fact that they had once been married, but sometimes, putting on the French charm for Oliver was harder than usual.
It wasn’t that he didn’t want to spend a wonderful evening with Oliver, far from it, but they’d done this so many times before that he wasn’t sure if this was utterly common place, for them, at this point. Moreover, there was the fact that he and Oliver hadn’t been exactly on the best of terms, as of late, so that didn’t help.
However, hearing Jean-Pierre prattle on about his perfect little love life had determined him to outdo the other man. He was going to prove to him, and Oliver, that no one could out charm Jean Tremblay, for Valentine’s Day. No one.
Of course, he failed to remember that Oliver was actually halfway around the globe, for business, on Valentine’s Day.
Therefore, when he showed up on Oliver’s doorstep, with a nice bottle of wine, groceries for a nice meal, a box of fine chocolates and a bottle of bubble bath, and the housekeeper answered the door, Jean cursed the high heavens.
He’d been counting on getting a few things out of this evening and now, he found himself with less than nothing. He could just imagine the smug look on Jean-Pierre’s face, or even Vincent’s, when they would find out.
But he was Jean Tremblay and he did not take kindly to defeat.
When Oliver was back in town, Jean made it a point to show up, at his place, one evening, to cook them both a nice supper. Luckily, he had the key to Oliver’s place and he was convinced everything would go off without a problem.
However, by the time Oliver got home, many hours later than usual, not only was the food dry and stale, but on top of that, Oliver hadn’t been expecting guests and was upset, when he found Jean.
“You could have the decency to let me know you were coming over.”
“C’tait jamais un problème, avant.”/ “It was never a problem, before.”
“Well, maybe I don’t want you barging into my place, anymore.”
“C’tait à toi de pas m’donner tes clefs.”/ “It was up to you not to give me the keys to your place.”
“Maybe I’ll want them back, in the morning.” Oliver stomped off to his room and Jean threw out the food.
So much for Jean-Pierre’s perfect plan. But he wasn’t giving up.
Of course, all of this would have been easier, if he actually called Oliver and actually let him know that he wanted to do something with him, but Jean was convinced he didn’t need to do that.
Therefore, all his subsequent plans failed.
Dinner reservations had to be canceled, since Jean made them the same night Oliver was dining with the Governor General, movie nights turned into a disaster, for Jean had accidentally picked Oliver’s least favourite movie.
Jean couldn’t understand. These were supposed to be fail proof plans. Why was it that no matter what he tried didn’t work? How hard could it be to get Oliver alone, for one night, for a post Valentine’s Day celebration?
He pondered on these thought, one evening, as he sat in his bathtub, submerged in water. He decided to put the bubble bath to good use and the only thing missing would have been Oliver’s presence.
Well, too bad.
“Hello? Jean? Es-tu là?”/ “… Are you there?” Jean’s head snapped towards the door. Either he had officially lost it and he was hearing things, or God really existed and Oliver was at the door.
“Oui, chuis là.”/ “Yes, I’m here.” He called back, his curiosity getting the best of him.
“Mind if I come in?”
“Euh, non…”/ “Eum, no…” He hid behind the bubbles and watched Oliver, who was only clad in a bathrobe, step in and close the door behind him.
“Hi.” Oliver greeted him, faint blush on his cheeks.
“Salut toi même.”/ “Hello yourself.”
“So, euh, I found out that you’d been trying to plan a little something for us, all week long and I’m sorry I missed all of it.” Oh, he was so going to kill Jean-Pierre, the next time he saw him. “And since I wasn’t exactly very cooperative, I decided - well, maybe I could make it up to you…” Or maybe he could let Jean-Pierre live a little longer. Oliver gave him half a smile and let the bathrobe fall off his shoulders, before he entered the bathtub, to join him.
There was a bit of moving around and shifting, but eventually, Oliver found the spot he was looking for and leaned against Jean, who wrapped his arms around him and held him close, unsure if he wasn’t dreaming any of this.
“Anyways, bonne Ste-Valentin. En retard.”/ “Anyways, happy Valentine’s Day. Belated.” Oliver murmured against his lips, before kissing him softly. Jean laughed and kissed him back.
“Merci, à toi aussi.”/ “Thanks, to you as well.”
“You know, I wouldn’t say no to a massage, afterwards… and maybe something else too…” Yup, Jean-Pierre was going down. Although, not tonight. Tonight, he had plans with Oliver.
I do accept anonymous reviews.
Started writing: March 1st 2014, 1:42pm
Finished writing: March 1st 2014, 3:22pm
Started typing: April 9th 2014, 9:11pm
Finished typing: April 9th 2014, 9:49pm